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Recipe Challenge: Coffee Chiffon Flan Plus Results from September’s Recipe Challenge.

September results: Marzipan Logs.

Last month Richard’s challenge was to test a recipe for “Marzipan Logs” taken from November 1938 Women and Home.

What an interesting challenge this was. The cake element was easy enough to do although I thought the quantities were rather small. In the end, I doubled the amounts which made it so much easier to make the cake. Of course, I didn’t have a round cake tin of the correct size so ended up using a loaf tin! This worked well enough and all I did was cut it in half when cool.  Thinking it rather wasteful to cut rounds out I chose to make my logs square. In the end, this worked ok and was less wasteful of cake (none of the off-cuts went to waste).

Making the marzipan was easy enough and I was very pleased with the result. My problems came with the assembly of the rolls. This proved to be a nightmare as the marzipan kept splitting as I rolled it out, stuck to the rolling pin and the tabletop (even with copious quantities of icing sugar thrown around), stuck to my fingers and failed to stick to itself on the rolled logs. My other problem was that the jam kept cooling and I had to keep re-heating it to get it runny enough to act as the glue.

The result however was pleasing as can be seen from the photograph and I served them up at the trustee meeting we held on Tuesday. They must have been edible as most of them disappeared during the course of the evening.

I am looking forward to hearing how other people fared in their making of Marzipan Logs. Do let me know how you get on, especially if you have any hints and tips on working the marzipan.


October’s recipe challenge: Coffee Chiffon Flan

This month’s recipe challenge is a fast forward to Cook's Weekly on 17th November 1984 and can be found on page 6.

Coffee Chiffon Flan is described by Cook’s Weekly as having a preparation time of just over half an hour with a chill time of 2 hours.

Fancy having a go? Take some photos then send them to Richard at before Sunday 24th October and yours could be featured next month!

In any case, let us know what you think in the comments!

Richard Roberts